Maithuna Prana, White Elephant, and Healing Heart

CBD-Enhanced White Elephant and Healing Heart with Maithuna Prana

Maithuna Prana, White Elephant, and Healing Heart

With or without CBD, Maithuna PranaWhite Elephant, and Healing Heart form a potent trilogy to enhance mental clarity and heart health and deepens your spiritual practice, meditation, and creativity. Maithuna Prana energizes the body’s life force, strengthening emotional and spiritual connections and boosting creativity through enhanced sexual energy. White Elephant sharpens focus and aids in managing daily stresses, which allows for a deeper, more tranquil state during meditation. Healing Heart nurtures both the physical and emotional aspects of the heart, enriching spiritual practices and encouraging openness and compassion. Together, these organic herbal tinctures offer a holistic approach to well-being, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit and fostering an environment where meditation and creative processes flourish.

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