Elevate Your Practice With Maithuna Prana and Healing Heart

Maithuna Prana and Healing Heart

Through sophisticated design, both Healing Heart and Maithuna Prana use Solfeggio-charged water, plant, mineral, and terpene ensembles that activate the heart's electromagnetic field. The high frequencies of these elements significantly expand the heart's energy field into higher frequency awakening. When used in meditation practices will significantly support triggering a Torus field activation.

 This enhanced field affects the pineal gland, making it sensitive and sympathetic to the heart's higher frequency causing it to vibrate in unison coherently with the heart. This higher field synergy between the heart and pineal gland elevates their unified frequency, opening the third eye to greater inspiration, intuition, and inner vision. 

Healing Heart

Healing Heart Tibetan Infusions' adaptogenic and tonic potency creates harmonious conditions for establishing coherence within the heart's electromagnetic field, supporting openness and confidence within the heart chakra’s expression. This allows love and compassion to arise naturally more easily, flowing freely and enhancing your yoga practice's meditative and restorative aspects.

Maithuna Prana

Maithuna Prana awakens the body into sensate vibrancy and potency. It is a potent adaptogenic tonic that builds chi, enhancing the perceptive inner connection with your yoga and meditation practices. Maithuna Prana is especially important for practitioners of martial arts, Chi Gung, Tai Chi, and yoga practices because it strengthens chi forces within the body’s chakra fields, Qi channels, and meridians, providing optimal support for preparing the mind and body for the profound transformations that yoga fosters.

Special Offer for World Yoga Day

Join us in celebrating the spirit of World Yoga Day by integrating the power of Maithuna Prana and Healing Heart into your daily practices. Elevate your yoga, meditation, qigong, kung fu, and tai chi with the nourishing energy of these botanical infusions, and embrace the essence of compassion, resilience, and unity.

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