Lyme, Fungus, Mold and Parasite Cleanse Bundle

In combination, LyFuMo and Turquoise Dragon provide a potent and safe solution for eliminating parasitic infections. By alternating these formulas and taking them (4-6 times a day) every three-four hours for a recommended duration of 10-30 days individuals can effectively cleanse their bodies of parasites, fungus, mold, bacteria, spike proteins, long COVID and viral infections.

Turquoise Dragon

Turquoise Dragon is a herbal antibiotic remedy formulated to combat viral and bacterial infections, both directly and by supporting and detoxifying the blood system. The botanicals and terpenes in Turquoise Dragon nurture and protect white blood cells, detoxify blood and organs, and dispel the lingering effects of a virus. This formula is a valuable aid in removing unwanted toxins from the bloodstream. This and its immune support make it an excellent tool for recovering from the side effects of parasites. 

A healthy body will fight off infection and restore equilibrium on its own. Your body is equipped with remarkable disease-fighting mechanisms. The modern world exposes people to external toxins, stress, and processed foods that compromise the immune system and bloodstream with extra work. An extreme example is how people with existing health struggles were most impacted by COVID.

Ly Fu Mo

Ly Fu Mo Tinctured Infusion is designed to address the challenges of Lyme disease, fungal infections, parasites and mold exposure. By harnessing a unique blend of detoxifying and immune-enhancing ingredients, along with stamina-boosting and nausea-preventing components, this formula offers holistic support to individuals affected by these conditions.

Researchers and clinicians widely acknowledge the connection between Parasites, Lyme disease, mold/mycotoxins, and fungal infections as underlying factors in various health issues, including cancers, vaccine residuals, lymphatic congestion, and weakened immune systems. 

Ly Fu Mo Tinctured Infusion not only targets these infections directly but also fortifies the immune system, providing relief from associated symptoms.

LyFuMo Tinctured Infusions provides an advanced solution for skillful detoxification from parasites, effective viral and bacterial remediation and protection, while also fortifying the immune system. All organic plant based, designed to be highly bioavailable, working with and supporting your body's natural healing responses, and inspiring a vibrant and healthy life.

Parasite Cleanse Protocol

Place .5mL into 2oz preboiled water followed by a cup of water.

7am LyFuMo

11am Turquoise Dragon

3pm LyFuMO

7pm Turquoise Dragon

10pm LyFuMo

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