CBD-Enhanced Infusions to Revitalize Body, Mind & Spirit

Revitalize Body, Mind, and Spirit With These Five CBD-Enhanced Tibetan Tinctured Infusions

Healing Heart

Specially designed for both physical and emotional healing, this infusion aids those recovering from emotional distress and physical ailments linked to trauma, fostering heart-centered healing and emotional resilience.


This infusion is a conduit to the synergy of energy within, promoting balance and harmony across the energetic planes of our existence, aiding in spiritual and mental well-being.

White Elephant

Aimed at awakening higher intelligence, this tincture encourages cognitive enhancement and spiritual awakening, supporting individuals in reaching a heightened state of awareness and understanding.

White Tiger

Focused on alleviating physical trauma and pain, this powerful remedy aids in the recovery process from injuries, surgeries, and physical discomfort, offering relief and accelerated healing.

Blue Lotus Peacock

Targeted at combating infectious pathogens, cysts, tumors, and cancer, this infusion leverages the natural anti-pathogenic properties of plants to support the body's defense mechanisms and promote healing.

These remarkable CBD-enhanced Tibetan infusions extend their therapeutic benefits across physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. They engage with the body's subtle energies to provide support, soothing, and rejuvenation. Whether you're dealing with individual health issues or recovering from traumatic experiences, these thoughtfully crafted organic herbal tinctures provide a pathway to healing.

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